3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2020 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2020
Net sales 11 24 58 71
Administrative expenses -18 -17 -73 -108
Operating profit/loss -7 7 -15 -37
Interest income and expenses and similar items 396 -7 393 -4
Profit after financial items 389 0 378 -41
Appropriations 260 310 260 310
Profit before taxes 649 310 638 269
Income tax expense -54 -68 -52 -60
Profit for the period 595 242 586 209
Total comprehensive income 595 242 586 209


SEKm 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2020
Intangible non-current assets 1 1
Property, plant and equipment 0 0
Non-current financial assets 4,243 2,808
Total non-current assets 4,244 2,809
Current receivables 819 563
Cash and bank balances - -
Total current assets 819 563
Total assets 5,063 3,372
Restricted equity 69 69
Unrestricted equity 779 437
Total equity 848 506
Untaxed reserves 211 131
Provisions 14 15
Non-current liabilities 1,618 1,727
Current liabilities 2,372 993
Total equity and liabilities 5,063 3,372

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